About The Seattle Family Law Group

The Seattle Family Law Group is a King County family law firm, representing persons in family law-related matters, including divorce, child custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, paternity issues, cohabitation agreements, prenuptial agreements and other issues related to Washington family law.
Our experienced and dedicated Seattle family lawyers represent persons in the following matters:


Divorce is one of the most traumatic and challenging experiences in a person’s life. During the emotional upheaval that is divorce, it’s easy to lose track of minor details that can impact your life after divorce.

When a marriage is dissolved, there are a number of issues that come into play, and each of them can significantly affect the rest of your life. For instance, there may be property division matters to deal with, and allocation of debt. Most importantly, if there are children involved, you will need to make sensitive decisions that are in the best interests of the child. Having an experienced Seattle divorce lawyer by your side can help lessen your burden.

Child custody.

Child custody issues are some of the most emotional issues arising out of the dissolution of any marriage. How parents decide to share custody of children, their behavior during the child custody process, and how they choose to cooperate with each other during the process – all of these can significantly impact the manner in which your child deals with the end of the marriage. It’s important to seek the guidance and experience of a Seattle child custody lawyer, in order to protect what’s most valuable to you- your relationship with your child.

In the State of Washington, the norm in most divorces is some form of shared parenting that allows both parents to spend equal amounts of time with the child. The law holds that such parenting agreements are in the best interests of the child, and allows both parents to make an equal contribution towards their child’s development and well-being.

Child support.

In the State of Washington, calculation of child support is based on a standardized formula which considers the income of both parents to determine the child support obligation of the noncustodial parent. Child support payments may vary based on the number of children that are involved, the combined net income of the parents, health insurance status, and special education or medical needs of the child. Further, child support agreements can be modified in the future in case of the remarriage of one of the parents, or an increase in income. A Seattle child support lawyer can help steer you through these sensitive matters.

Cohabitation agreement.

Seattle family lawyers recommend that persons, who choose to live together without being married, outline their financial rights, responsibilities and obligations in a cohabitation agreement. This agreement can be relied on during a breakup, to ensure that both parties’ rights are legally protected. A cohabitation agreement can include a definition of assets including businesses and properties owned by each party, as well as child custody and child support matters.

Prenuptial agreement.

With more than 50% of all marriages in the US ending in divorce, every sensible person entering into matrimony needs to consider planning for the possibility that the relationship may fail. Drafting a prenuptial agreement does not mean that you have no faith in the strength of the union. It merely means that you care enough about each other to alleviate the financial anxieties that can mar the beginning of any marriage.

For obvious reasons, prenuptial agreements are documents that need to be handled very delicately, and with great tact. A dedicated and experienced Seattle family lawyer who has specific experience in handling prenuptial agreements will be able to help you navigate these areas.
Call now to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our experienced Seattle family law attorneys today: (206) 633-2015