Seattle, WA Spousal Support/Alimony

Washington State, Seattle spousal support and alimony.

We help those seeking or challenging spousal support in Seattle, WA.

A spouse who occupies the weaker financial position when the marriage is ended can receive spousal support, also known as alimony. There are a variety of factors that determine amount and length of time.

These are determined by a judge, but the professionals at The Seattle Family Law Group in Washington State can work to help ensure that you receive the proper compensation on a monthly basis. We have been through countless alimony cases, and our Seattle spousal support lawyers will work with you every step of the way.

Determination of spousal support in Seattle, Washington.

Two areas determine the granting or denialĀ of alimony. The first is income disparity, which is defined as the capacity to earn income. The court reviews the position of each spouse, and also goes over their current job, and the earning potential of that particular position and field.

The second determining factor in spousal support is the length of the marriage, the longer the couple has been married, the better a chance of receiving alimony. For example, if the marriage has only been legal for a few years, the chance for alimony is greatly reduced. However, a marriage 15 years will most likely cause the court to rule in favor of alimony being granted.

Individual circumstances also determine how alimony is considered, including assets and ability to pay, rather than only a fixed number. The typical time period that spousal support payments will be granted, in the state of Washington, is several months to a few years. This is done to encourage the receiving spouse to improve their financial standing and earning potential.

Whether you’re seeking alimony or want to challenge an alimony motion, contact The Seattle Family Law Group.