
Explanation of palimony and cohabitation.

Unmarried couples in the State of Washington may register as a “domestic partnership” in order to obtain healthcare and hospital visits. However, when the partnership is dissolved, the matter is handled through a family court. The experts at The Seattle Family Law Group can help you navigate this confusing and challenging process.

What is palimony?

Basically palimony is an award which a partner must pay to their ex-partner when a non-marital relationship is dissolved. Partners in this relationship must have had an express contract based on consideration other than sexual services. Where no formal agreement exists the court may consider whether the conduct of the parties allows a finding of “implied contract” or an understanding which would support such an award.

The financial assets and real property are divided in the termination of a domestic partnership, but palimony is not guaranteed. The extent of the palimony terms is based on an oral or written agreement between the two partners.

In the event that you need to have the agreement written, our lawyers are available to create a cohabitation agreement. This helps any legal heirs from having to fight over possessions and bank accounts in the case of you or your partner’s death.

Contact The Seattle Family Law Group for more information about palimony.