There was a lot of interesting research conducted into divorce over the past year, delving into the causes of divorce, risk factors for divorce, cohabitation and a number of issues that family law experts find interesting.
Huffington Post compiled a list of some of the most intriguing divorce-related studies that were conducted last year. One of these involved a study that found that couples that share household chores were much more likely to divorce. That study was so interesting because sharing responsibilities is typically seen as one of the factors that go into making a healthy marriage.
Earlier this year, Swedish researchers dropped a bombshell of sorts that had many women incensed. They claimed that many women have a “divorce-gene,” that makes them less capable of committing to a long-term relationship, and therefore, more capable of divorcing.
In November, the University of Michigan released a study which found that relationships with in-laws have an effect on the success of a marriage. When men have a close relationship with their in-laws, it decreases the divorce risk by 20%. However, the exact opposite happens when it is the woman who has a good relationship with her in-laws -the divorce rate goes up by 20%.
A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology also made headlines last year. Â The study found that premarital jitters – which are traditionally believed to be normal before marriage – may actually be a predictor for divorce.
Some major myths were also demolished in 2012. A study conducted by the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention in 2012 found that cohabitation or living together before marriage, is no longer a major risk factor for divorce, as earlier believed.