A new technique, first developed in order to detect signs of Down syndrome and other birth defects in children, is now being increasingly used to quickly match DNA and detect paternity.
The noninvasive technique involves a simple blood test. Blood is drawn from the mother, and researchers then separate the DNA sequence of the mother and the baby. Then, the baby’s DNA sequence is compared with the DNA of the father. If the test is positive, then there will be a perfect match.
Until now, pregnant women who wanted to prove the paternity of their children and claim child support, had very few techniques by which they could do so.  Seattle family lawyers find that many women undertake amniocentesis tests to match DNA with the potential father. Amniocentesis can be performed anywhere between the 14th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. Another test called CVS or chorionic villus sampling is also used in order to determine paternity. Chorionic villus sampling is usually performed between the 10th and 13th weeks of pregnancy.
Both the amniocentesis and CVS methods are highly invasive. Both of these methods also involve a certain amount of risk to the mother and the child.
However, the new technique can help distinguish determine paternity as quickly as within 8 weeks of pregnancy. Any woman who wants to determine the paternity of her child without risk can take the test. Many women who choose to take this test are also looking to provide solid evidence to a sexual partner that he is indeed the father. Positive test results can help establish a solid case for child support.